The EFRC Program held its semi-annual Principal Investigator’s Meeting on October 26-27 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The meeting provided an opportunity for representatives from all 32 EFRCs to gather and share their research programs with EFRC leadership and with each other. EFree participants included both students and senior investigators. The EFree presentations included the following oral presentations and posters:
Oral Presentations
- Ivan Naumov (Carnegie) "Transitions between insulating, metallic and superconducting states in low-Z materials"
- Steve Juhl (Penn State) "Dispersion and high-resolution TEM of carbon nanothreads"
- Max Murialdo (Caltech) "Anomalous surface thermodynamics of gas adsorption on zeolite-templated carbon"
- Tim Strobel (Carnegie) "Materials for solar energy conversion using extreme conditions: An overview"
- Yiqun Liu (Lehigh) "Synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica with crystalline pore walls"
- Lakshmi Krishna (Colorado School of Mines) "Synthesis and characterization of metastable exotic allotropes of silicon"
- Bo Chen (Cornell) "From benzene to nanothreads: Intermediate polymers, toplogical pathways, and reaction mechanisms"
- Steve Gramsch (Carnegie) "Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments" (Overview Poster)
- Sally Tracy (Caltech) "Polaron mobility and disordering of the Na sublattice in NaxFePO4"
- Maddury Somayazulu (Carnegie) "Novel transport in hydrogen-rich materials: Experiments"
In addition, Max Murialdo (Caltech) was nominated by EFree for participation in the Graduate Student/Postdoc Competion. Max was selected as a finalist in the competition by the leadership of the EFRC program. Congratulations, Max!