Technical Coordinators
Reinhard Boehler is the High P-T Techniques Coordinator for EFree. Formerly a Director of the Max Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany, Reini joined the Geophysical Laboratory as a Senior Scientist, and will work on a broad range of problems in high-pressure science and technology, particularly those related to major energy challenges....
Tianshu Li is the Computational Theory Coordinator for EFre. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civial and Environmental Engineering at George Washington University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California - Berkeley in 2005. His work focuses on molecular simulations (density functional theory and force...
Konstantin Lokshin is the EFree Transportation Technique Coordinator. He is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He received his Ph.D. from Moscow State University.