The 2017 EFRC PI meeting was held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington DC on July 24-25. After plenary lectures on the possibilities for exascale computing and the future of quantum information science, the meeting featured highlight presentations from each of the EFRC, CMS and Hub directors, along with technical talks and poster presentations by personnel from the EFRCs.
EFree provided one technical talk from each of the three current Center-wide projects, and five posters that described ongoing research in the Center. Presenters and titles from EFree were:
Here are the talk and poster titles:
- Russell Hemley (Director’s Highlight Presentation): Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments
- Xiang Li: Novel Carbon Materials Synthesis in Extreme Environments
- Tianshu Li: Silicon Clathrates as New Energy Materials
- Maddury Somayazulu: Potential New Superhydride Superconductors
- Nicholas Weadock: High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage on Surfaces and In Metals
- Sabri Elatresh: Structure and Phase Stability of Solid Li at 1 atm and High Pressure
- Bianca Haberl: Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Group 14 Materials at the Spallation Neutron Source
- Michael Guerette and Venkata Bhadram: Metastable Materials for Solar Energy
- Damian Paliwoda: sp3-Carbon Nanomaterials Synthesized at High Pressure
A graphical agenda is available here, and the program book with abstracts is posted here.