For the first time, scientists at HPSynC were able to demonstrate the feasibility of applying a nano/submicron focused monochromatic x-ray beam to study nanoscale single crystalline phases in diamond anvil cells at high pressures. Results of the study led by HPSynC scientist Lin Wang, indicate that the distribution and morphology of each individual NbSe3 nanobelt in the x-ray fluorescence maps has been resolved. In addition, diffraction patterns were obtained from individual crystalline nanobelts with thicknesses of less than 50 nm by using a tiny probe.
Single crystalline diffraction measurements on a nanobelt were performed at pressures up to 20 GPa. The structure of the NbSe3 nanobelt remains stable within this pressure range. This study sheds light on future studies of nanocrystals with large grain size distribution under both high pressures and ambient condition [L. Wang, et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 043903 (2011)].
Figure caption: X-ray diffraction patterns taken at the same location of a NbSe3 nanobelt at different pressures (a) and the d-spacing as the function of pressure (b).