Superconductivity and magnetism have been considered to be in competition with each other. The discovery of high-TC superconductivity in iron-based compounds, however, drastically alters this concept, as the origin of its superconductivity is closely related to magnetism of iron. The researchers report the interplay of magnetic and structural transitions in a parent compound of iron-based superconductor BaFe2As2 at high pressures, in which magnetic ordering precedes the structural transition at high pressures. Their results can be understood in terms of spin fluctuations in the emerging nematic phase before long-range magnetic order.
Their findings provide valuable insights into exploring the interplay between magnetism and structure, consequently,into a better understanding of the superconductivity in iron-based compounds [J. Wu., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110, 17263 (2013)].
Figure Caption: Schematic P-T phase diagram of BaFe2As2 [symbols represent powder SMS results (red), XRD (black), TN from SMS (red dashed), Ts from XRD (black and blue dashed, and grey (Tc)].