Two Carnegie Summer Scholars working on EFree research, Anne Davis (Caltech) and Keenan Brownsberger (Whitworth University), gave presentations on their research at Carnegie’s Broad Branch Road campus on August 21:
- Anne Davis: Phase transitions in silicon quantum dots for solar energy conversion
- Keenan Brownsberger: Synthesis of palladium hydrides at high pressure
In addition, Anne and Keenan gave presentations on their research at the monthly “Lunch and Learn” event at Carnegie’s P Street Headquarters on Friday, August 14. Lunch and Learn provides an opportunity for the non-scientific staff at Carnegie’s administration building to share in the excitement of scientific discovery through presentations by the scientists from the various departments within the Institution.
The two students have completed their summer projects and have returned to their home universities for their final year. Each of the students will be presenting the results of their summer’s research at national meetings during the upcoming academic year.