Throughout the fall, many EFree scientists have given talks related to their work in the Center:
- Russell Hemley gave a Physics Colloquium at Georgetown University entitled "Materials in Extreme Environments" on November 3. Discoveries and advances within EFree were the focus of the presentation. He also presented results from EFree science at the Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy Using Accelerator-Based Sources, held Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- On October 16 and November 13, respectively, Steve Gramsch spoke to undergraduate students at Augustana College (Rock Island, IL) and Northern Virginia Community College (Annandale, VA) about EFree Science
- On October 24, Craig Taylor gave an invited presentation at the Korea Clean Energy Forum sponsored by the Korean American Community Foundation of Colorado. The talk was titled "Renewable energy research at the Colorado School of Mines," and included discusion of recent results on type II clathrate Si and Na4Si24. He also gave an invited presentation to twelve Algerian visitors during their recent participation in the U.S. State Department International Visitor Leadership Program on October 28. The talk was titled "Renewable Energy Projects in Colorado."
- In October, Tim Strobel gave talks at the University of South Florida and George Mason University. Both talks were titled "Squeezing on group fourteen: New forms of silicon and carbon from high pressure."
- Reinhard Boehler gave a presentation titled "New opportunities for ultra-high pressure neutron science" during the August 2015 U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences HFIR/SNS Operations Review at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- Brent Fultz gave two invited talks at international meetings. The first, “Stabilization of bcc Fe by Magnon-Phonon Interactions” was presented at the International Conference on Phase Transformations in Materials in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. The second, "Computation, the Gibbs Free Energy, and Inelastic Scattering," was given at the 35th Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids (DyProSo20150), in Freising, Germany.