EFree Director
Ho-kwang Mao delivered the plenary talk, "High-pressure science and technology of the 21st century," at the International Center for Materials Research (ICMR) conference on Pressure Effects on Materials held at UC Santa Barbara on August 22-28, 2010.
Three Carnegie scientists and EFree partners also gave invited talks:
Russell Hemley: "New findings in simple molecular systems under pressure"
Reinhard Boehler: "Melting of iron and the transition metals:Implications for the Earth's core"
Viktor Struzhkin "High pressure studies of metals and insulators".

HPSynC scientist
Yang Ding (HPSynC) presented a poster. Three graduate students from EFree Partner
Wendy Mao's group at Stanford,
Yu Lin,
Shibing Wang, and
Maria Baldini also presented posters. In addition, EFree Advisory Committee Member
Giulia Galli (University of California, Davis) was also an invited speaker.
[Photos (top):Yang Ding and Yu Lin; (bottom) Maria Baldini, Yu Lin and Shibing Wang]